Thursday, March 6, 2008

Introducing The Divine Miss N!

Well, we finally did it! We got DR's 30th birthday present of a dog on Sunday. Very exciting for us. She is a wonderful and very sweet pup who is probably a year old. We rescued her from an animal shelter that has horses, doves, dogs, cats, name it. She has a broken leg...they think she was hit by a car. So far she is very sweet and quiet. She doesn't eat too much and is very skinny. We are so happy to have her and to give her a good home. She was given the name Diamond which we were not crazy about. After long deliberations invloving Sascha, Michsa, Niko, Coda, Foxy, (she looks like a fox) and Roxy...we decided on Nina. I feel like we are acting like first time parents with her..."Do you hear her walking downstairs? Did she pee yet? What has she eaten today? Do you think she is depressed?" We also got totally taken at the pet store spending $100s on probably mostly useless stuff like dog shampoo and dog tooth gel...but in our defense we want the best for her! More updates to come!