Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring? Sprung!

To celebrate the season I went to see the play "Spring Awakenings" with my pal Driscoll this past weekend. Very interesting to say the least. Music by Duncan Sheik of "and I am barely breathing" fame...set in Germany in the 1890's...focused on the oppression of teens by parents, church and school with some disturbing and sad results. The music was very good as was the dancing. At times the play was a little too pleased with itself with how risque it was and use of the f bomb. We saw a bare bum-bum twice...oh la la! Lead actor over enunciated everything and there was a huge spray of spit each time. We could not stop focusing on that. Overall enjoyed it though. After that we met up with Jess and her fabulous friend Darren for drinks and dinner at the new Fig & Olive. We had yum food and cocktails and were highly entertained by ourselves and by our waiter. We were also disturbed to see a ridiculously old looking 13 year old attending a private party next to us. Jess and I remembered how we looked at 13 with Belle France dresses, braces and body waves (me). Topped the night off at a birthday party for one of J and D's coworkers at La Caverna or something on the LES. Fun music and too many drinks.

1 comment:

Jill C & Jul D, said...

I'm dying to see this! It's coming to LA in October. Just in time for my b-day.